级别: 六级会员
发表于: 2024-12-04 02:28
拜登赦免他儿子亨特,说好的没人凌驾于法律之上呢?空降约炮 春药专卖 网红约炮 致幻迷药 色情鬼灭 火淫忍者 澳门赌场 亚博赌场 大发赌场热门黄游 手机看片 在线看片 调教女优 成人漫画 淘京影院 三国争霸 多宝体育 皇冠体育 拜登赦免他儿子亨特,说好的没人凌驾于法律之上呢?
Statement from President Joe Biden Today, I signed a pardon for my son Hunter. From the day I took office, I said I would not interfere with the Justice Department’s decision-making, and I kept my word even as I have watched my son being selectively, and unfairly, prosecuted. Without aggravating factors like use in a crime, multiple purchases, or buying a weapon as a straw purchaser, people are almost never brought to trial on felony charges solely for how they filled out a gun form. Those who were late paying their taxes because of serious addictions, but paid them back subsequently with interest and penalties, are typically given non-criminal resolutions. It is clear that Hunter was treated differently. The charges in his cases came about only after several of my political opponents in Congress instigated them to attack me and oppose my election. Then, a carefully negotiated plea deal, agreed to by the Department of Justice, unraveled in the court room – with a number of my political opponents in Congress taking credit for bringing political pressure on the process. Had the plea deal held, it would have been a fair, reasonable resolution of Hunter’s cases. No reasonable person who looks at the facts of Hunter’s cases can reach any other conclusion than Hunter was singled out only because he is my son – and that is wrong. There has been an effort to break Hunter – who has been five and a half years sober, even in the face of unrelenting attacks and selective prosecution. In trying to break Hunter, they’ve tried to break me – and there’s no reason to believe it will stop here. Enough is enough. For my entire career I have followed a simple principle: just tell the American people the truth. They’ll be fair-minded. Here’s the truth: I believe in the justice system, but as I have wrestled with this, I also believe raw politics has infected this process and it led to a miscarriage of justice – and once I made this decision this weekend, there was no sense in delaying it further. I hope Americans will understand why a father and a President would come to this decision. 中国人就自古有一句话叫“王子犯法与庶民同罪”。这是中国人希望的。 但是现实吗?根本不现实。人都都是有感情的,手里有权力,都会去使用的,所以说保护家人,这是人之常情。所以说希望最高权力者不为自己家人谋利利益,这是不可能的。除非一种情况 ,那种就他权欲熏心,绝情绝义,为了自己的权力地位,老婆孩子都是可以拿去送死的。 |
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